ENERGY STAR certified heat pumps that are optimized for peak heating and part-load cooling performance may use the Cold Climate certification mark if certified to meet cold climate criteria. This cold climate criteria is published in ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements Product Specification for Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Equipment Eligibility Criteria Version 6.1 (Rev. January – 2022)

The official source of ENERGY STAR certified products is ENERGY STAR Product Finder. However, the AHRI Directory of Certified Product Performance also indicates which AHRI Certified heat pumps are ENERGY STAR Certified heat pumps or ENERGY STAR Certified heat pumps carrying the ENERGY STAR Cold Climate certification mark.

AHRI Certified Heat pump records with Labeled ENERGY STAR = "Yes" are ENERGY STAR Certified heat pumps. 

AHRI Certified heat pumps records with Labeled ENERGY STAR = "Yes" AND Cold Climate Designation = "Yes" or "Both" are ENERGY STAR Certified heat pumps carrying the ENERGY STAR Cold Climate certification mark.

If Cold Climate Designation = "Yes," that heat pump satisfies Table 3. Energy-Efficiency Criteria for Certified Residential Cold Climate Heat Pumps (ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements Product Specification for Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Equipment Eligibility Criteria Version 6.1 (Rev. January – 2022).

If Cold Climate Designation = "Both," that heat pump satisfies Table 2. Energy-Efficiency Criteria for Certified Residential Heat Pumps and Table 3. Energy-Efficiency Criteria for Certified Residential Cold Climate Heat Pumps (ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements Product Specification for Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Equipment Eligibility Criteria Version 6.1 (Rev. January – 2022).